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As we get older, it’s common to lose our joint mobility and range of motion, which causes us to slow down more than we’d like. Get back to your active self, with Cartiflex®. This formula features two clinically tested ingredients that increase the mobility and range of motion of synovial joints through their structure-modifying effects.*
As we get older, it’s common to lose our joint mobility and range of motion, which causes us to slow down more than we’d like. Get back to your active self, with Cartiflex®. This formula features two clinically tested ingredients that increase the mobility and range of motion of synovial joints through their structure-modifying effects.*
Clinically tested dose of both ingredients

Biocell Collagen®

Chondroitin sulfate

Hyaluronic acid (from Biocell Collagen®)

Gluten-free, GMO-free

Improves joint flexibility and mobility*

Helps cushion and lubricate the joints*

Promotes a more active daily life*

When your joints are healthy and functional, you can bend, lift, turn, squeeze, jump, twist, and run. In essence, you’re free to live and move the way you want to. Unfortunately, 70 million Americans —or one in three adults — don’t have that kind of freedom, because they experience occasional trouble with their joints.

The good news is you can get some of your mobility back. The lead ingredient in Cartiflex®, Biocell Collagen®, been shown to shown to significantly improve joint mobility and promote a more active life.* And its companion ingredient, chondroitin sulfate, has been found to significantly increase joint flexibility and improve joint function.*







Trust, Efficacy, and Our Promise

We are the only brand in the supplement industry that can guarantee that every single ingredient in every one of our products is backed by human studies and delivered in doses consistent with clinical research

No exceptions, no compromises.