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Resveratrol, a phytonutrient found in grapes and red wine, has tremendous potential to support a healthy lifespan. However, since resveratrol has a short half-life, so it doesn’t stay in the bloodstream long — making it hard to reap its full potential. Resveratrol-SR™ features MicroActive® Resveratrol Complex, which releases resveratrol over 12 hours and has 2.5x better bioavailability than regular resveratrol.
Resveratrol, a phytonutrient found in grapes and red wine, has tremendous potential to support a healthy lifespan. However, since resveratrol has a short half-life, so it doesn’t stay in the bloodstream long — making it hard to reap its full potential. Resveratrol-SR™ features MicroActive® Resveratrol Complex, which releases resveratrol over 12 hours and has 2.5x better bioavailability than regular resveratrol.

MicroActive® Resveratrol (sustained release complex)

Gradual release into the bloodstream over 12 hours

Achieves higher blood levels over a longer time

2.5x more bioavailable than regular resveratrol

Vegan, gluten-free, GMO-free

*Supports healthy aging

*Promotes healthy metabolism

*Enhances blood flow

*Helps maintain normal insulin sensitivity

*Provides antioxidant protection*

Everyone wants to live a long life, but aging often comes with multiple physical challenges. Your metabolism isn’t as efficient as it once was. It’s harder to maintain blood sugar and blood pressure within a normal range. Your circulation isn’t as good as it used to be. The accumulation of oxidative stress takes a toll on your health. Luckily, there is one ingredient that can address all these issues. It’s called resveratrol — the phytonutrient that gives red wine its heart-healthy reputation.

Delivering sustained release over 12 hours, Resveratrol-SR features MicroActive® Resveratrol, a special form of resveratrol that has 2.5 times greater bioavailability than regular resveratrol. As a result, it consistently elevates blood levels of the compound, so resveratrol can do the work you want it to do.







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